1 prever
v.1 to foresee, to anticipate.una reacción que los médicos no habían previsto a reaction the doctors hadn't foreseense prevé una fuerte oposición popular a la ley strong popular opposition to the law is anticipated o expectedElla previó el desastre She foresaw the disaster.2 to plan.prevén vender un millón de unidades they plan to sell a million unitstenía previsto ir al cine esta tarde I was planning to go to the cinema this evening3 to forecast, to predict (predecir) (catástrofe, acontecimiento).4 to prepare for, to plan ahead, to make provisions for, to make provision for.Ellos previeron la tormenta They prepared for the storm.Ellos previeron They planned ahead.5 to bargain for, to bargain on.Ellos previeron un mejor precio They bargained for a better price.* * *1 (anticipar) to foresee, forecast2 (preparar) to plan* * *verbanticipate, envisage, foresee* * *VT1) (=adivinar) to foresee; (=predecir) to predict, forecastprever que... — to anticipate that..., expect that...
si ganan como se prevé — if they win as expected o predicted
2) (=proyectar) to planla elección está prevista para... — the election is scheduled o planned for...
3) (=establecer) to provide for, establishla ley prevé que... — the law provides o stipulates that...
* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( anticipar) <acontecimiento/consecuencias> to foresee, anticipate; < tiempo> to forecastb) (proyectar, planear)tiene prevista su llegada a las 11 horas — it is due o scheduled to arrive at 11 o'clock
c) ley to envisage2.prever vi* * *= anticipate, envisage, envision, foresee, make + provision for, look + ahead, predict, contemplate, slate (for).Ex. The information that most modern indexes must organise concerns much more complex subjects than Cutter could have anticipated.Ex. It is fairly common to have to modify a standard list, or compile a fresh list when a new application is envisaged.Ex. Let me further specify the requirements of the catalog envisioned by the Paris Principles.Ex. Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.Ex. We must of course make provision for those users who look for information under one of the other terms, and this is discussed below in the section on showing semantic relationships.Ex. The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.Ex. Further, it is necessary to predict in avance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Ex. These details are primarily useful as a record of expenditure or to organisations or individuals contemplating the purchase of a work.Ex. The next IFLA Conference is slated for August 14-28, 1995, in Istanbul, Turkey.----* prever una necesidad = project + need.* previendo = in anticipation of.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( anticipar) <acontecimiento/consecuencias> to foresee, anticipate; < tiempo> to forecastb) (proyectar, planear)tiene prevista su llegada a las 11 horas — it is due o scheduled to arrive at 11 o'clock
c) ley to envisage2.prever vi* * *= anticipate, envisage, envision, foresee, make + provision for, look + ahead, predict, contemplate, slate (for).Ex: The information that most modern indexes must organise concerns much more complex subjects than Cutter could have anticipated.
Ex: It is fairly common to have to modify a standard list, or compile a fresh list when a new application is envisaged.Ex: Let me further specify the requirements of the catalog envisioned by the Paris Principles.Ex: Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.Ex: We must of course make provision for those users who look for information under one of the other terms, and this is discussed below in the section on showing semantic relationships.Ex: The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.Ex: Further, it is necessary to predict in avance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Ex: These details are primarily useful as a record of expenditure or to organisations or individuals contemplating the purchase of a work.Ex: The next IFLA Conference is slated for August 14-28, 1995, in Istanbul, Turkey.* prever una necesidad = project + need.* previendo = in anticipation of.* * *vt1 (anticipar) ‹acontecimiento/consecuencias› to foresee, anticipate; ‹tiempo› to forecastlo siento, pero no podía prever lo que iba a suceder I'm sorry, but I couldn't foresee o anticipate what was going to happenno habían previsto los posibles fallos de la maquinaria they had not foreseen the possibility of machine failurese prevé un aumento de los precios del petróleo an increase in the price of oil is predicted o forecasttodo hace prever su victoria en las próximas elecciones everything points to her victory in the coming elections2(proyectar, planear): las medidas previstas por el gobierno the measures planned by the governmentla terminación del puente está prevista para finales de año the bridge is due to be completed by the end of the yeartiene prevista su llegada a las 11 horas its expected time of arrival is 11 o'clock, it is due o scheduled to arrive at 11 o'clocktodo salió tal como estaba previsto everything turned out just as plannedel presidente decidió continuar con el programa previsto the president decided to continue with the program as plannedtenía previsto comenzar su gira el próximo martes he had planned to start his tour next Tuesdayque su madre viniera no estaba previsto en el programa ( hum); her mother coming along wasn't part of the plan ( colloq)3 «ley» to envisage■ prevervito expectcomo era de prever as was to be expected* * *
prever ( conjugate prever) verbo transitivo
‹ tiempo› to forecast;
b) (proyectar, planear):
tiene prevista su llegada a las 11 horas it is due o scheduled to arrive at 11 o'clock;
todo salió tal como estaba previsto everything turned out just as planned
verbo intransitivo:
prever verbo transitivo
1 (anticipar) to foresee, predict: no previó las consecuencias, she didn't foresee the consequences
2 (disponer) to plan, prepare: la salida está prevista para las 9 horas, departure is due at 9 a.m.
' prever' also found in these entries:
- esperar
- envisage
- envision
- forecast
- foresee
- outguess
- think ahead
- visualize
- contingency
- foregone
* * *♦ vt1. [predecir] to forecast, to predict;él había previsto el terremoto he had forecast o predicted the earthquake2. [planear] to plan;prevén vender un millón de unidades del nuevo modelo they plan to sell a million units of the new model;tenía previsto ir al cine esta tarde I was planning to go to the cinema this evening;tenía previsto llamarte en cuanto supiera la noticia I was intending to phone you as soon as I heard the news3. [anticipar] to foresee, to anticipate;era una reacción que los médicos no habían previsto it was a reaction the doctors hadn't foreseen;se prevé una fuerte oposición popular a la ley strong popular opposition to the law is anticipated o expected;no se prevén grandes atascos en las carreteras no major holdups on the roads are anticipated;todo hace prever que nevará este fin de semana all the signs are that it will snow this weekend♦ vicomo era de prever as was to be expected* * *<part previsto> v/t foresee* * *prever {88} vtanticipar: to foresee, to anticipate* * *
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